We hope that Wonderful Madeira is a good travel companion, guiding you in a rich and different experience through the Madeira archipelago.



Natural Park

Natural Park

Natural Park

Officially created in 1982, the Natural Park is a protected area which occupies approximately 77% of the Island. Madeira Natural Park includes several protected areas, among which the Maciço Montanhoso Central (with the Areeiro, Cidrão and Ruivo peeks), the Laurissilva forest and the peculiar landscape of Ponta de São Lourenço. It also comprises several natural reserves (Garajau, Rocha do Navio, Desertas and Selvagens) and recreational areas. Its management is done by the Natural Park Service.

Natural Park

Natural Park

Der Naturpark wurde offiziell 1982 eröffnet und ist ein geschütztes Gebiet, das etwa 77% der Oberfläche der Madeirainsel bedeckt.  Er umfasst verschiedene geschützte Gebiete, z. B. das Maciço Montanhoso Central (mit den Picos do Arreiro, do Cidrão und Ruivo), den Laurissilva-Wald und die eigentümliche Landschaft von Ponta de São Lourenço. Ausserdem schliesst er einige Naturreservate ein (Garajau, Rocha do Navio, Desertas e Selvagens) und Freizeitgebiete, die vom Serviço do Parque Natural verwaltet werden.

  • Location
    Madeira Island